Running WiFi example on CY8CPROTO_062_4343W

Running WiFi example on CY8CPROTO_062_4343W

By: Venkat Subbiah

At Packet Path we have worked on several projects using Cypress WiFi/BT chips. One of the popular chip is 4343W. I am excited that a driver for 4343W is available in mbed. 4343W is the chip that’s on the CY8CPROTO_062_4343W kit. Below are instructions to try out the …

WICED : Using command line gdb

WICED : Using command line gdb

By: Venkat Subbiah

Launch openocd in one console

"./tools/OpenOCD/OSX/openocd-all-brcm-libftdi" -s "./tools/OpenOCD/scripts" -f ./tools/OpenOCD/CYW9WCD1EVAL1.cfg -f ./tools/OpenOCD/stm32f4x.cfg -f ./tools/OpenOCD/stm32f4x-flash-app.cfg

In another console launch gdb using


Once you get to the gdb prompt use

(gdb) target remote …

Steps to compile and run OpenWRT on Edge Router

Steps to compile and run OpenWRT on Edge Router

By: Venkat Subbiah

Open to access USB drive

Need to open up the Edge Router to access the USB drive. It needs to be . Below is picture after opening it up. Be careful when unplugging the USB drive. Hold on to the USB connector, so that there is not much pull on the …

WICED : Managing repos

WICED : Managing repos

By: Venkat Subbiah

You have evaluated WICED and getting ready to build your own product with WICED. As you are developing code, you will possibly be developing these additional components

Cypress does make releases of newer SDK’s quite often and usually doesn’t port fixes to older SDK’s …

WICED getting started

WICED getting started

By: Venkat Subbiah

What is WICED

WICED stands for Wireless Internet Connectivity for Embedded Devices. It is a development system(IDE, SDK) that is used to develop software for Cypress(Formerly Broadcom IoT) based WiFi/Bluetooth devices that are paired with a microcontroller.

WICED Install

One of the first steps to get started …